January's Verse of Encouragement 2016 + Free Printable

6:00:00 PM

Some of you may know this, but not many of you will. I am a Christ follower. I believe that he has a plan for me and although I do not always give him all of my anxieties, I am going to try much harder this year! 

So I have written out a verse of encouragement in each month’s section of my planner. This month’s verse is Matthew 6:34.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Ever since I can remember I have always dealt with anxiety, but it didn’t get really bad until high school graduation. I remember that was when I had my first panic attack. My stomach started hurting, and I got really cold. Eventually it passed, but I still get these symptoms each and every time that I get nervous. Now when I feel these symptoms coming, I pray for God to give me strength for what’s coming.

Matthew 6:34 has always been my favorite verse, and that is why I chose it for January’s verse of encouragement. I hope that each time I look at my planner I am able to remember that I do not need to worry about tomorrow, and if I do, I can cast those worries onto my Lord and Savior.

For those of you that deal with anxiety, or are followers of Christ, I have created a beautiful printout of this verse, and I’d love to share it with you! I hope that this verse brings peace to you and really resonates in your heart.

* Please keep in mind that there will be a white boarder when printing, unless you have a borderless printer. This printable is available for personal use only!
What verse is sticking with you this month?

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