PAB Feature: McKenzie Ryan Cherrington
6:00:00 PMMcKenzie Ryan Cherrington is a perfectly ambitious woman from Provo, Utah. In fact, she's been located in Provo her entire life!
She is the owner and operator of the lifestyle blog titled Cherrington Chatter. McKenzie's blog is about her family, her life, and so much more. There's also a unique aspect to it too! Her and her husband spent the last year remodeling a 1959 vintage trailer, which they've named Dorthy. So, there are bound to be some Dorthy related posts!
McKenzie admitted that it took a long time to come up with her blog name. However, she finally decided on Cherrington Chatter. Why? Because Cherrington is her last name and because it's about her family, and chatter because she loves to talk!
When choosing her niche, she knew that she definitely wanted to make her blog stand out. She knew that there are so many lifestyle bloggers out there and she wasn't interested in posting outfit posts. So, she's been posting all of the things that she's learning as a new mother, glamper related projects, and more. Ultimately, she hasn't decided on one specific focus. She just wants to write what she knows and what her readers love. She loves reading blogs that keep it interesting, so she wants to do the same!
Q & A with McKenzie
Q: Do you think it is good or bad to have dreams you may never accomplish? And why?
A: I think you have to dream big! My grandpa my whole life has said, “This is America! You can be or have anything you want if you work hard enough!” I love that and totally
believe it! I don’t want to live a life where I don’t have any drive that gets
me up in the morning and excited for the day!
My mom always says “When you dream, dream big!” I don’t even think it’s
a dream if it isn’t something that you are going to work really hard for!
Something easy is a wish or a goal! So yes I am a dreamer and I want my son and
future kids to be the same way!
Q: How do you define perfectly ambitious?
A: I believe that I have always been a go getter and that is what comes to mind
about being perfectly ambitious! I want things done and I am not going to sit
around hoping someone else does it or it just happens! I think being perfectly
ambitious is a good mix of knowing when and how to achieve your dreams and
goals! Doing everything you can to reach that goal and then before you have
finished, reach for another goal! Every goal doesn’t have to be big but it is
healthy to always have something you are working for!
Q: What makes you perfectly ambitious?
A: I have been
a list maker my whole life! I love the feeling of crossing something off a post
it note and feeling so accomplished even if it is something as small or silly
as a grocery list! I think that I am almost a little too ambitious sometimes! I
have notes upon notes in my phone of things to do/make, etc. that it is a
little overwhelming and in reality it is going to take me so long to get all of
it done but I don’t care when some of it happens I just want it to happen!
Q: What inspires you?
A: My family
for sure! I love looking into my baby's eyes and knowing that he has the whole
world ahead of him! He can be whatever he wants to be! I love wondering what
hobbies he will have, his favorite foods etc and then I realize just because I
am older than him doesn’t mean that I don’t have the whole world ahead of me
too! I have been watching America’s Got Talent and I loved seeing the 90 year
old dancer chasing her dreams! It is never too late even if it would have been
easier to start earlier! I think that about my blog! I have had a blog off and
on but when I started this blog I was a little hesitant because I felt like I
was too late to jump on the bandwagon. Then I reminded myself that who cares
and I am doing this for me! I want to have my blog if nothing else for a
scrapbook where I can look back on my family and all the adventures we have had
together and the memories we have made! That’s what matters to me!

Q: What other perfectly ambitious women do you admire?
A: My mom and grandma! They have always been so inspiring to me and they are some of my very best friends! They both give it everything they got for everything and go way above and beyond! My mom got it from my grandma and I hope that I got it from my mom or one day will! They also are your biggest cheerleaders no matter what and always have your back! One time when I was in junior high a teacher didn’t treat me very well and got mad at me because I was asking questions and ended up not letting me turn in a paper. My mom was not going to take that! She marched to the school to talk to the teacher and asked why it was so bad my learning style was asking questions. After that I think she was scared to do anything to upset me because she knew my mom would always be there to take my side and back me up! I want to be this way for my friends and family!
Q: What is your favorite part about blogging?
A: Putting it all out there! I don’t feel afraid to be myself and say what I am feeling because if people don’t want to read or follow along they don’t have to! Also like I have mentioned I love remembering all the details and being able to see how I grown over time!
Q: What advice would you like to share with others?
A: I don’t know if I should be giving out advice since I am pretty new to blogging but I think I would tell others that it is never too late to start! Also to blog for yourself and the love you have for writing stuff down! I have always been a journal keeper and love writing!
A: My mom and grandma! They have always been so inspiring to me and they are some of my very best friends! They both give it everything they got for everything and go way above and beyond! My mom got it from my grandma and I hope that I got it from my mom or one day will! They also are your biggest cheerleaders no matter what and always have your back! One time when I was in junior high a teacher didn’t treat me very well and got mad at me because I was asking questions and ended up not letting me turn in a paper. My mom was not going to take that! She marched to the school to talk to the teacher and asked why it was so bad my learning style was asking questions. After that I think she was scared to do anything to upset me because she knew my mom would always be there to take my side and back me up! I want to be this way for my friends and family!
Q: What is your favorite part about blogging?
A: Putting it all out there! I don’t feel afraid to be myself and say what I am feeling because if people don’t want to read or follow along they don’t have to! Also like I have mentioned I love remembering all the details and being able to see how I grown over time!
Q: What advice would you like to share with others?
A: I don’t know if I should be giving out advice since I am pretty new to blogging but I think I would tell others that it is never too late to start! Also to blog for yourself and the love you have for writing stuff down! I have always been a journal keeper and love writing!
Q: What music do you like to have playing while you're writing?
A: I love music and of course music inspires me as well! I have been a country loving girl my whole life and was raised on country so that is something I will always love! But most of the time I listen to Ingrid Michaelson and other similar artists! Her Pandora station is pretty much constantly playing, I love it!
Q: What do you want to accomplish?
A: What don’t I want to accomplish haha? Hmm but really I want to do so much! I want to do and see it all! I want to be a better wife and mother every day! I also love the quote that says “don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life!” I want to fill my days and time with sweet moments and memories. I also want to work hard on getting this blog going strong and something that people enjoy spending their precious time reading!
A: I love music and of course music inspires me as well! I have been a country loving girl my whole life and was raised on country so that is something I will always love! But most of the time I listen to Ingrid Michaelson and other similar artists! Her Pandora station is pretty much constantly playing, I love it!
Q: What are your future goals?
A: Start blogging regularly and think of unique things to post! I also am personally working on simplifying my life! I am getting rid of so many things that I don’t need or use and it feels so good! Also, I have Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations. In the future I hope to have clients that I can help specifically with social media. I also have always dreamed of writing a kid’s book one day so we will see!
A: Start blogging regularly and think of unique things to post! I also am personally working on simplifying my life! I am getting rid of so many things that I don’t need or use and it feels so good! Also, I have Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations. In the future I hope to have clients that I can help specifically with social media. I also have always dreamed of writing a kid’s book one day so we will see!
Q: What do you want to accomplish?
A: What don’t I want to accomplish haha? Hmm but really I want to do so much! I want to do and see it all! I want to be a better wife and mother every day! I also love the quote that says “don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life!” I want to fill my days and time with sweet moments and memories. I also want to work hard on getting this blog going strong and something that people enjoy spending their precious time reading!
Fun Facts about McKenzie
- Her favorite quote is from Annie and it is reads, "You are never fully dressed without a smile!”
- Her favorite books are picture books. She loves all things Dr. Seuss and enjoys The Giving Tree.
- Her favorite movie is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
- She once ate so many carrots when she was little that she turned a little tint of orange!
- She wants to learn anything and everything that she can! Right now she is trying to learn how to use her camera well and she's been enjoying it immensely!
- She thinks she is horrible at being a little uptight sometimes.
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I had so much for doing this! Thanks again for the opportunity! ❤️
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! It was my pleasure 😊